Sunday, November 28, 2010


"I just want to know", she said.

"I know," he replied.

"Why, you know. That's what I want to know, why."

"I know".

"And god, how does something like that happen? How does it happen?"

"I don't know."

"Who else knows about it? Do you know?"


I have been mulling over the thought of mystery lately. From the trivial question of who ate the last cookie to the life question of why is my life the way it is, mystery is at every turn. There is so much that we don't know. There is so much that we can't know. We can study and read and pray and talk but at the end of the day, we have to come to the place where life is a mystery.

We're not good with mystery. We don't like to not know. Whether it is why or how or what happens now, it is imperative that we get to the bottom of the situation and get things figured out. God forbid that there is a little mystery in your life.

But life is full of mystery. We don't get all the answers and when we do get answers, they are not necessarily the ones we wanted. Mystery is that place where we trust that God is good, He is for us and He sees the purpose and the end of what is happening.

The first part of this post was going to be a prompt for people to go off of and let me know what you think is happening in the scene. It's not that now. What is happening will remain a mystery known only to the creator (that's me!). I know what is going on and how it will play out. All of your thoughts are only speculation at this point. You will have to trust that it will end well.

Kind of like life.


Saturday, November 20, 2010


I heard a story on the radio the other day and I don't remember many details but it caused me to think about inspiration. The story was about a man who had a stammer when he spoke and this man was inspired by King George the Sixth of England, who also stuttered when he spoke. That is all I can recall about the radio story.

It caused me to start thinking about inspiration. I don't know if King George ever knew that he inspired this man who obviously went on to do enough with his life that he was featured in an NPR radio broadcast. It caused me to think about people who have inspired me and if they knew they had done so. It caused me to think about people that I have possibly inspired, for better or for worse, I might add.

It's a strange thing, inspiration. How does it work? When does it strike? How do some people inspire others so easily? Is it a conscience decision to "be an inspiration" or does it just happen?

I don't know that I have answers. Maybe a few more posts on inspiration are in order. For now though, I want to know a few things from you.

Who has been your inspiration? Do they know they have inspired you? What if you let them know?

Who are you inspiring? How are you doing it? What are you inspiring them to?

Can't wait to hear from you.


Monday, November 8, 2010

To the Point

Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Yet again

Once again, it has been over a month since the last posting here. I seem to find myself caught up between wanting to write, and write well, and wondering who is reading and who am I writing for. (As a side note, I think everyone I have talked with who is an aspiring writer has had these same thoughts.)

I suppose, when it all comes down, that I am writing for myself and when I don't write, it is out of fear...fear of being "wrong", fear of not writing well, fear of putting thoughts out there that might confirm that I am not "normal".

It is amazing the power that fear can wield. No one has told me that I am wrong or don't write well. No one has said "I wish you would stop writing because you are way off and I don't like your style". It is an internal voice that persuades me that things are not going to work out the way I want them to. It can be paralyzing.

My mother once told me that she thought I was a perfectionist. I thought she had missed it because things don't have to be perfect for me (check out my college transcript if you doubt me!). She explained that I was a perfectionist in that, if I didn't think I would be very good at something, I would just walk away from it. I would be done with it and not even give it a second thought.

For me, perfectionism is the same thing as fear. No one gets everything right all the time. NO ONE! I know this and still, I hesitate. I hedge. I talk myself out of opportunities and dreams because...well, because. Fear slips in and continues to back me away from things that God may have laid in front of me.

I am working on it. I have several irons in the fire that could become reality and they scare me a bit. I am doing my best to trust God and His hand on my life. I am asking Him for boldness believing that He will answer.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Seed in the Ground

Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24


Stay strong, don't give up and remain alone. Die and you produce fruit. Seems ludicrous on the surface. Everything in us screams to get things done ourselves; no need to rely on others and, whatever you do, do not show weakness.

The issue is that our culture tells us, everyday, to live. You deserve a vacation. You deserve a nice car. You deserve an easy life. You deserve to get your piece of the pie.

Jesus says that the grain has to die before it produces; otherwise, it just remains itself and what is one grain of wheat?

In the ground though, it's cold and dark and messy and cramped. Death is not the preferred road. It's not fun and it's UnAmerican.

It is the way of Jesus.



Sunday, September 12, 2010

40 Haikus

I had a pretty significant birthday last week. I have been on this planet for a long time now. I thought about doing a retrospective of my life but it seems a little arrogant to do it at this point and for public consumption. I'll do my real introspection somewhere else.

I went with haikus because they are to the point, they don't have to rhyme, they make my brain work a little and everyone enjoys a good haiku, don't they? (Not that these are good!)

So here are my 40 haikus, that is haikus about turning 40-there are not 40 of them. If you would like to comment, please do so in a haiku (five syllable first line, seven syllable second line, five syllable third line). Try it, it might be fun.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Four zero, that's me,
I'm too young to be this old.
How did it happen?

Forty's a number,
Large when related to age,
Halfway to eighty.

I just turned forty
Doesn't really bother me.
Bothers Mom a lot.

Forty years old now
Getting the most out of it,
Life has just begun.

Thanks, Lord, for this time.
Forty years have been brilliant.
Help me finish strong.

Is this middle age?
Body can't go like before,
Maybe I'll play Wii.

Really an adult
At forty, no more excuse.
What will happen next?


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cone of Uncertainty

The last week or so here on the coast, we were reminded of a popular term this time of year, the "cone of uncertainty". It is used when discussing the projected path of a potentially dangerous hurricane. The cone of uncertainty describes the possible deviations of the hurricane path on either side of the eye. If you're wondering, it is not considered a good thing if you find yourself in the cone of uncertainty.

I started thinking about the cone of uncertainty as it pertains to life. It seems that we live most of our lives in that red area surrounding the main part of life. We make decisions and take actions when we can't really see the end. Occasionally, you get a very clear path, but mostly we fumble through the dark doing the best we can.

Here are a few tips if you find yourself in the cone of uncertainty of life...

1. Trust that God knows the path and that He is guiding your life. Believe that
He is with you.

2. Do what you know to do. For a hurricane, you stock up on water and food, make sure you have batteries and prepare to ride out the storm. For life, you live out Micah 6:8-" do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God".

3. Be alert and aware. Read the signs, listen to people who know a little more; don't think you know it already and settle in. Things can change.

4. Remember that tomorrow is another day. The storm may hit or it may turn away. Each day brings new opportunity to move forward.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

humility and love

Early in the second chapter of the book of Mark, there is a great story of a man who was paralyzed and was brought to Jesus to be healed. Four of the man's friends have carried him to where Jesus is, only to find that there is no way to get to Jesus. The four men climb to the roof, carrying their friend, and proceed to dismantle the roof and lower the paralytic through so he is in front of Jesus. Jesus forgives the man's sins and then, to prove that He has that authority, he heals the man physically.

I have read this story throughout my life and it is one of the ones that is often learned in Sunday School as a small child. This last week I saw something in the story that had never come to my attention before.

In order for these men to come to the point of carrying their friend to the Lord, something had to spark the idea. They didn't just wake up and find themselves hauling a lame man on a bed to a random location to see a man they didn't know for an unspecified reason. There was some communication that took place that brought these men to the place they were.

Two thoughts...

One, if the lame man suggested to his friends that they take him to Jesus, it took great humility on his part to ask for help. He had to admit that he didn't have what it took to get where he needed to be in order to be made whole. We don't like to be in that place of discovering that we don't have the strength, control, ability, whatever, to do what we need to do. It is difficult to humble ourselves and ask for friends to carry us to Jesus.

Two, if the lame man's friends approached him about taking him to Jesus, there was great love in their suggestion. They saw their friend in a place of need and offered to take him to a place where he could be made whole. They didn't just talk about taking him, there was action. They loved him enough to give their time and their efforts to carry him to Jesus, overcoming obstacles in the process.

At some point in our life, we will find ourselves in one of these two roles. Sometimes, we will be weak and need to ask others to carry us. The hard part is to let others do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. Other times will find us full of strength and faith and we need to love people enough to truly pray and give of what we have to serve them.

Where are you now? If you're paralyzed, let others know that you need them. Let them know that you cannot move yourself and they need to carry you a bit. Be humble and allow them to do the work for you that you cannot do.

If you are strong, ask your friends what they need. Love them enough to offer your strength and pray alongside them. If there are practical, tangible things you can do, go there as well.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Back and forth I go.

Some days, I'm ready to take over the world and inspire others to reach their greatest heights. Other days, it's all I can do to be nice to the dog.

On occasion, I honestly know what I want to do when I grow up and I believe that I will be great at what I do. More often than not, I wonder if I should have kept my overnight job at Target.

There are times that I think that my kids have listened and internalized all the good lessons my wife and I have imparted to them. Usually, they are having a heated argument about whether or not one of them said the word "butt".

Someday I will get there, wherever "there" is. I will know for certain what I am supposed to be doing, how to get it done and that I am doing it well. Until then, I will see through the glass dimly. And trust.

Back and forth I go.


Monday, June 7, 2010


Our church moved into a new meeting space in downtown Wilmington, NC yesterday. We sent this to the church early last week. Just posting it here for anyone who may be interested. Keep praying for us.

Moments. They happen very obviously in the movies. The dialogue gets more real, every thing around the moment fades into the background and, the biggest moment cue of them all, the music begins; either strikingly dramatic or subtly engaging. The "moments" are hard to miss in a movie.

Real life moments are not quite so obvious. Most of us are not clever enough to come up with lines like "You complete me" or "I'm your huckleberry" off the top of our head. Life does not stop and wait for you while you have a life changing conversation with your boss. And, unless you constantly have your ipod handy and cued up, there is no music to let you know that you should be paying attention to what is happening here.

Allow me to fade the background a bit, maybe say a witty line or two, and start the dramatic music.

This Sunday, June 6th, 2010, is a moment for Wilmington Community Church. This has the potential to be a time that we look back on as a big step in the life of our church. We have been meeting in Steve and Sara's house for almost three years now and it has been a great time. At the very beginning, there were five adults and seven children (it still feels like the children outnumber the adults!). We have almost tripled in numbers in that time, but more importantly we have gone deeper in our relationships with one another and in our understanding of who God is in our lives.

Moving downtown to meet at Communities In Schools is a big deal but we want to see it for what it is-a next step in the process of doing what God would have us to do. We believe that God has given us, as a church, a role to play in the city of Wilmington. We believe that He has more people for us to love and with whom to share the life we have found in Jesus. We believe He has brought us this far and that He will continue to guide us.

Take a moment this week to thank God for the opportunity that He is laying before us. Ask Him for wisdom as we begin this next chapter in the life of Wilmington Community Church. Ask Him to bless Steve and Sara for their faithfulness in opening their home for the last three years. Ask Him to guide us to those He would add to our lives. In all of that, thank Him for giving us His Son so that we might know what redemption and salvation means.

This is a moment, a big moment for sure, but merely a step toward who God is calling us to be.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Easiest thing in the world: Sit on the sideline, don't get involved in the production/game/play, then shout down the ones who are in the action for not doing what the spectators think they should.

Just an observation.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Why do we insist on making this business of following Jesus so cleverly packaged; all nice and neat, the loose ends all wrapped together and tied into a beautiful bow on top? Have you read the Bible lately?! What a mess! Murder, sex, deceit-and these were the ones the God used to further His purposes, the Big Names, if you will.

How do we get to the place where we say that this is the way or that is how that will happen or God is going to work like this? I think it is because we are ill at ease with the mystery that is God; we can't control it.

So much time and effort is spent trying to make sure that we have, as one of my youth group kids used to say, our "poop in a group". Somehow if everything is lined up, we feel like we are in control a bit more. It's a lie that we buy quickly and keep going back for more.

At what point in a person's journey with Jesus do we expect Him to say, "You know, you pretty much have this whole life thing figured out, your resume looks good, your children are behaving themselves, you haven't really sinned (I mean the big sins, not just the little ones) for a good while. I'm just going to go check on a few others who are really struggling and leave you in your very own capable hands for a little while. If you need me, and I doubt you will, you know where to find me."

I am not saying that we should let all of our ugliness be on display all the time. It just seems that we would all do well to learn a little humility before God and be ok with saying "I'm not exactly sure but I am trusting that God is in control, He sees the end from the beginning and He will never leave me nor forsake me."

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


All my life, I have done a tremendous job of holding myself back.

I don't know what triggered this thought, but it hit me pretty hard yesterday afternoon. It seems like life does that though, doesn't it? You are cruising along, doing what you do, and "WHAM!...Deal with this!!". Whoa.

I realized that I have been the King of Lame Excuses, The Master Procrastinator and The Talent/Gift Comparison Expert all rolled into one tall, skinny, bald-headed package. I have had things all my life that I would like to do or try and, one way or another, I have talked myself out of them. Dreams that have gone unrealized because I was too afraid to attempt to catch them, suitcases that have remained unpacked because I decided against the trip, excitement that has been kept to myself because I feel the need to be under control; I think they all boil down to two things.

Fear of man and lack of faith.

These two probably run together hand in hand down the beach every time I decide that I know what is the best for me and I leave God out of the equation. I have probably squandered multiple opportunities to realize fully what God has had for me over the years. That doesn't mean that I have missed God or that I have been outside of His will. It just means that I have not fully immersed myself in what He has given me.

The fear of man comes in the form of wondering what others will think, as well as not being sure of my own abilities to do something "well". The lack of faith is not believing that God might call me to give myself to a certain task because it could be beyond me.

I don't know that I won't be afraid or that I will have abundant faith from this point forward. I do know that I am aware of my (multiple) shortcomings and will daily lay them at the feet of my King.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Random Links

I'm going to cheat a bit and not really write much. I am going to give you some links to things I have found on the web that have inspired, provoked,enlightened or amused me over the last few weeks. Most of these are from blogs that I read every day.

I think it helps us to read alot. I don't always agree with the things that I come across on these sites but they stir me to think and that is always a good thing.

That should be plenty for now. I'll try to get some lighter stuff in here at some point in the near future.


P.S. Click the post title for one more. Amazing!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Regular Storytime

I enjoyed the last post (see "Storytime") and the "overwhelming" response immensely so I have decided to make this a weekly staple of my blog. Each Wednesday, I will endeavor to write a short snippet of a story, or maybe just a prompt, to have you, the reader(s), write a little to explain a scene or talk about your own experience. The goal is to engage you as the reader and to make you use some of that God-given creativity that you may have buried.

It will also force me to be consistent in writing and thinking about writing.

Here we go. Be creative. Thanks for playing.


"The numbers don't lie," she said. "It's all right there in front of you."

"How did it happen?"

"I don't know," she replied.

"Are we sure they're right? I mean, have you checked them and have you asked questions? I'm not saying they're wrong, I'm just trying to make sure we covered everything."

"I have been doing this for fourteen years and I could do this in my sleep. I know every possibility, every scenario. I know where the mistakes could be made and I have been over this three times myself. The numbers are right. Crazy as that may be, they are right."

"Well, if they're right, and we're absolutely sure we're right, this is huge. Any ideas about where we go from here?"

What's going on in this scene? Who are the characters? What do "the numbers" refer to? Is it business or personal, positive or negative? Where do they go from here? Leave your thoughts in the comment section. Have fun.

P.S. If you click the titles of the posts, sometimes they take you to interesting places. Sometimes.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Isaiah had never seen this preacher before. This man was way too handsome to be a real preacher. He was tall and broad and had a full head of hair. His suit fit well. His shoes were free of scuffs. He was the kind of man that Isaiah imagined was really a professional baseball player, a pitcher he thought, and had hurt his arm so he couldn't throw anymore. That's why he's here, pretending to be a preacher. "He probably smells like leather and chewing tobacco", Isaiah thought.

Isaiah's mind began to drift. "How come there's not even a real preacher here? Who are all these people? Where's my dad? I hope nobody talks to me. What am I supposed to say to them if they do talk to me? I wish Reggie was here. That lady has some bad hair. It looks like she's carrying a raccoon on her head. I want to get out of here. Oh God, here comes the fake preacher."

Just thought I might try something a little interactive. I'm curious about what you think is going on in this little scene. Who is Isaiah? How old is he? Where is he in this scene? Who is Reggie? I know people don't read blogs to be made to be creative (this blog at least!), but maybe we can stir those creative juices anyway. Let me know in the comment section what you see going on here. Be as detailed or vague as you would like but be creative.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


This is supposed to be an excuse post regarding why I have not written on this little piece of cyber paper for almost a year. I gave options for which excuse you wanted. You voted. I had great plans for some made up stories to go along with the first line.

I decided to just go with reality. (That's a novel thought in this world isn't it?)

There isn't really an excuse other than I haven't been writing here. I have been working on a couple of projects off and on (writing curriculum, if you want to call them that). I had been, up until January, working on a full time job that sucked all my energy and creativity to stay on top of it. Both qualify as excuses, but not very acceptable ones.

I came across this quote a few years ago and it has stuck. I don't know that it has made me more "productive", but it has made me aware that "not enough time" doesn't really fly as an excuse.

Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein.--H. Jackson Brown

I will do better.

Thanks Scott.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Gone awhile

It's been awhile since I last posted to this blog (thank you Capt. Obvious). I could give a variety of reasons for why it has been ALMOST A YEAR! since I last put anything on this site but I am not going to do that. To get me writing here again, I am going to let you the reader (yes I meant for that to be singular, thanks Mom) help me with the excuses. I am going to post three options for what my excuse may be and let you (again, thanks Mom) determine what the story will be.

Here's how it will work.

There are three options that follow. You pick the one that you think would make the best story and put your choice in the comments. I will do my bestest to come up with an entertaining and mostly believable excuse. Got it? Here we go.

1. I have been too tired to write here because of my other writing project. I have been writing...

2. On June 25, 2009 I left the house as a healthy, relatively normal, 38 year old man but I when I returned...

3. I'll try to explain, but it's complicated. Let me just say that it involved a wrestling match and a slight limp.

Let me know which will make the best excuse and I'll write it. I am also open to prompts that you may come up with on your own. Hope to hear from you soon.
