I heard a story on the radio the other day and I don't remember many details but it caused me to think about inspiration. The story was about a man who had a stammer when he spoke and this man was inspired by King George the Sixth of England, who also stuttered when he spoke. That is all I can recall about the radio story.
It caused me to start thinking about inspiration. I don't know if King George ever knew that he inspired this man who obviously went on to do enough with his life that he was featured in an NPR radio broadcast. It caused me to think about people who have inspired me and if they knew they had done so. It caused me to think about people that I have possibly inspired, for better or for worse, I might add.
It's a strange thing, inspiration. How does it work? When does it strike? How do some people inspire others so easily? Is it a conscience decision to "be an inspiration" or does it just happen?
I don't know that I have answers. Maybe a few more posts on inspiration are in order. For now though, I want to know a few things from you.
Who has been your inspiration? Do they know they have inspired you? What if you let them know?
Who are you inspiring? How are you doing it? What are you inspiring them to?
Can't wait to hear from you.
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