Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Regular Storytime

I enjoyed the last post (see "Storytime") and the "overwhelming" response immensely so I have decided to make this a weekly staple of my blog. Each Wednesday, I will endeavor to write a short snippet of a story, or maybe just a prompt, to have you, the reader(s), write a little to explain a scene or talk about your own experience. The goal is to engage you as the reader and to make you use some of that God-given creativity that you may have buried.

It will also force me to be consistent in writing and thinking about writing.

Here we go. Be creative. Thanks for playing.


"The numbers don't lie," she said. "It's all right there in front of you."

"How did it happen?"

"I don't know," she replied.

"Are we sure they're right? I mean, have you checked them and have you asked questions? I'm not saying they're wrong, I'm just trying to make sure we covered everything."

"I have been doing this for fourteen years and I could do this in my sleep. I know every possibility, every scenario. I know where the mistakes could be made and I have been over this three times myself. The numbers are right. Crazy as that may be, they are right."

"Well, if they're right, and we're absolutely sure we're right, this is huge. Any ideas about where we go from here?"

What's going on in this scene? Who are the characters? What do "the numbers" refer to? Is it business or personal, positive or negative? Where do they go from here? Leave your thoughts in the comment section. Have fun.

P.S. If you click the titles of the posts, sometimes they take you to interesting places. Sometimes.

1 comment: said...

The players are a husband and wife who are in business for themselves. The year is 2011 and they have just be Obamanized! They owe some much money in taxes that their net worth has just been reduced to negative numbers. In the next chapter, we will find them excited about the hope they think they will find moving to Cuba!