Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I have been wondering lately about how one becomes an expert on something.

Many people go to school for way too long so they can post a few initials after their name. Certainly, they have the information in their heads, and I would assume that they understand the minute details of what it is they have studied. These seem to rank at the front of the pack when it comes to expertise.

Others work at a particular job or in a specific industry long enough and they have seen and done approximately everything there is to do in that field. They eventually stand in the position of having all the rookies and possibly some of the other veterans approach them for advice.

Still more live long enough to become life experts. Eighty some years on this planet have to count for something don't they? They may not consider themselves experts but to last that long, you have to have done a few things right.

My least favorite is the expert who has no qualifications, no experience and minimal years of life on their resume. Middle school kids are the first group who come to mind when thinking about this brand of expert. On any given day, you will be lucky to get a middle school kid to remember what he had for breakfast, but they can pass out relationship advice like they were Ann Landers, Dear Abby and Dr. Phil all crammed into one pint-sized body.

So how does a person come to be regarded as an expert? Is it one of the four things listed above? Maybe it is a combination of all of them. I wonder if 90% of becoming an expert is being confident enough in what you say or do and then presenting yourself as an expert. There has to be some credibility behind your expertise, but it seems that confidence can get you that "expert" label. Maybe I'll try it.

I have been working with middle school, high school and college students for 13 years now. I am an expert. Maybe I will write a book.

Right after I work in another area of my expertise. I'm off to dunk a few Oreos in some milk and curl them to my mouth. (By "a few", I mean anywhere from 4-17 cookies).


2 comments: said...

I once asked everyone I came into contact with if they were an expert. It was an interesting result. Those that I thought would say they were experts, did not think they were, and those who said they were happened to be the last people I thought would bring forward that belief.

brad said...

Have you abandoned your dream to write as well? Unacceptable.