Thursday, January 13, 2011

So Much and Not Enough, Dos

Yesterday was about seeing what we have and not getting caught up in what we don't have; having so much and not enough.

This "so much and not enough" is not a totally negative thing. It really depends on what we are talking about. I have three amazing kids and a wife who is way out of my league. In some ways, I get plenty of time with them, lots of laughs and love. The reality is that I will never be full of them.

Following Jesus is the same. I have been a Christian for more than thirty years (dang!) and I have come to understand Him, to a point. I will never, though, be able to fully comprehend all of Him. I have so much and, still, not enough.

I'll keep trying to get more. More of Jesus, more of my kids, more of is a never ending quest.

What do you have so much of but it isn't enough?


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