The human condition is a marvel to me.
I was thinking today about how, day to day, things can be very routine, but in that routine, we can experience an infinite number of thoughts and emotions.
Take my day today, for instance. I got out of bed at roughly the same time I usually do on a weekday. I slept fine, as far as I know. I hadn't gone to bed angry with anyone. I didn't doze off thinking that life was particularly difficult. But when I woke up this morning...
I wasn't angry with my wife, just to clear that thought from your head, nor was she angry with me. I just wasn't "feeling it" today. My motivation to do anything productive was hovering around zero, my confidence that I was capable of doing anything productive was at approximately the same level. I had a bazillion things to get done today but I was having a hard time convincing myself that I would do a passable job on any given task.
The amazing part of all of this is that there is the potential that tomorrow, I will be ready to charge the gates of Hell with a water pistol. And nothing significant will change from today to tomorrow.
We (at least I) am so prone to listen to the crazy thoughts and insecurities that dart through our head. Sometimes they tell us that we are wonderful; other times...not so wonderful. If we let them, the voices can dictate how we live our life and what we give our self to. We can ride the roller coaster of emotion and fear and doubt as well as the positive dreams and desires until we don't truly understand who we are.
Here's what I lean on. God's love never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He doesn't get caught up in my junk. He is solid. That gives me hope.
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