Nice holiday weekend. At beach twice. Wrightsville beach Saturday. Figure Eight today. In-laws here. Missouri kids too. Former youth group. Big church Sunday. Most people ever.
Work again tomorrow. Seven days left. Afterschool, that is. Summer programs next. Should be fun.
Not much else. Slight writers block. What to write? Do people read? Questions like that. Just write something. Isn't that right?
I read what you write. I should probably comment more often so you know I do. I guess I'm just a stalker.
I need what you write. I need you to write your thoughts because, even if you are simply writing about poop, it takes my thoughts to a place they do not normally go. I mean, how often do I think about poop? [no comment] I need to hear from people who think about different things than me, as well as from people who think differently. Many times, you fit both criteria.
So, yeah, thanks for writing.
Peace to you too!
So, two additional thoughts. First, how dense am I? I only now caught the "3 Words" significance. (Why do I admit these things publicly??) And secondly, clicking the title to this post on your main page takes us to a pretty awesome flautist who beat-boxes at the same time. Stumbled across the link accidentally.
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