Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I love inspiration. I love the thought of people being gripped by a thought, a dream, a possibility. I love to be the inspiration for others. I love to provoke people to think about where they are in life and how they approach it. I want to help people achieve the fullest of their God-given potential. I have run into a bit of a problem though.

How do you inspire those who don't want to be inspired?

Some people either never had or have lost the ability to dream beyond where they presently are. It doesn't matter if they are 14 years old or 70. Male or female. The foresight and hope are not there. And they seem to be fine with it.

I was thinking about church in relation to inspiration. How many times do we walk out of church and say "What a great sermon" or "Worship was really good today"? It may be a conversation or a message or a song, but we leave with something more than we went in with.

I think many times we get something because we expect something. We go in with the thought that there will be a moment that will push us a little further down the path in the right direction. The same is true when we take a class, go to a conference, read a book or give ourselves to any other learning experience.

What if you don't expect anything though? What if your life is what it is and won't ever be anything else, so you think? That is a hard place to be and I am struggling to know how to bring hope to some of the people I meet that live in this hopeless state.

I thought about writing some ideas about how to bring some inspiration but two things stopped me from actually putting them into words on a screen. First, I am at a loss when it comes to articulating what I am thinking. Secondly, I am not exactly sure what I am thinking.

Any thoughts?


1 comment:

Ted Lougash said...


You know that feeling you have when you are all alone and you get that stabbing lower intestinal discomfort (pain) that means that pressure has built up in the bowels? Even before you begin relaxing the sphincter muscle and tightening up the abdominal obliques for maximum thrust on the gaseous expulsion, there is that ever-so-brief EXPECTATION (or wonderment) as to the various aspects of this particular fart that will make it unique from all others farts ever expelled (volume, stench, heat index, overall satisfaction, etc.).

In those rare instances when expectations are met or perhaps even surpassed immediately following the act, a subtle smile will form even though no one else is around to see it.
