Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Greatest

I know I said I was not going to write about family as influences in my life because that seems to be a given. With this post, I have officially lied.

I got to go away this past weekend to Myrtle Beach with my wife. When you have kids, it is very easy to lose sight of the husband and wife part of the family. It isn't that you forget about being married, it is just so often swamped under everything else that goes on in life. Jobs, friends, soccer practice, bible study, church, dance classes, soccer games, trips to the beach, bills, broken stuff, facebook, writing... You get the idea.

Anyway, I was reminded again why I married this woman. Words cannot do justice to her spirit, her creativity, her love, her laugh, her dreams, her talents, her strength or her life. I often joke about how she threw herself at me because of the Lademann curse (women can't help themselves), but the truth is that I consider myself the most blessed man on the planet to have this woman as such an intimate part of my life.

Rachel, I love you and you are, after God, the greatest influence in my life; the reason I do anything that I do for good. Thank you for loving me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicely put, friend. It's always wonderful for me to see men esteem their wives publicly. I love Lori with all my heart as well and to know that there are other men out there who do the same is simply encouraging. I mean, love their wives the way I love mine, not that they love Lori the same... *oh brother*

But there was one tiny little thing you mentioned that really confused me. Second paragraph, you gave a list of examples of how we are "often swamped under everything else that goes on in life." One of those items was "trips to the beach". Umm, hello. Taking a trip to the beach is NOT just "one of those things" for the vast majority of us out here. Though I did get the idea, it took me a while to snap back from daydreaming about what life would be like if that were an everyday part. But, oh, I see it now. That was part of your plan. You were planting a seed thought there. Yes Brad, it would be wonderful to make going to the beach a routine part of life. I guess to do that we would have to move somewhere there were a beach... say Wilmington!!?! :)

Love ya, bro!