Monday, January 19, 2009


So, yeah, it's gonna snow here. They have not had a "snow event" here since 2003 and everyone is going crazy. It is still about 45 degrees as I write this, and it isn't even raining, but they have canceled school for tomorrow. The county is getting their trucks fitted with plows. The newscasters are giving tips about getting around in the snow. What are we going to do?!!

Did I mention that we MIGHT get two inches of snow?

The problem is that no one knows what to do with it because it so rarely happens here. They are not equipped to deal with any amount of frozen precipitation and so the threat of it shuts life down for a while. Now, it really might snow two inches and people really don't know how to drive in it so there really could be some issues on the roads. The threat alone, though, is enough for all of us to go into hibernation mode.

I am not going to complain. I have an optional work day tomorrow which, tacked on to the MLK Holiday, makes a four day weekend. I would love to wake up and see the ground covered in snow. If it isn't too terrible, maybe we will drive to the beach to see it snow on the ocean.

There is this thing inside me that has gone back to being a kid in school and the weatherman has said that there is a snow storm coming so check in the morning to see about school cancellations. I don't know if there is a worse feeling as a kid than to wake up expecting to see a brand new, shiny blanket of snow and you look out the window and everything is the same dull color of brown that it was the night before. It is almost enough to make you throw up so you still don't have to go to school.

I hope that doesn't happen to me tomorrow.

I will let you know.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who needs Facebook when you have a blog?