Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I have had this thing in the back of my head for years. No, it isn't one of those plugs that allow me to enter the matrix, but that might be cool. I would download the ability to down an entire package of Chips Ahoy cookies daily and not feel the effects... but I digress. I have had this nagging voice in my head that keeps telling me to write. Unfortunately, The Voice doesn't tell me what to write or what to do once it is written.

The one thing that you learn when you think you want to be a writer and you read books about writing and talk to people who might help you become a writer is that they all say the same thing. You need to write. It doesn't matter what you write, it just matters that you write. Write. Anything. Write it. And then when you finish that, write some more. Did I mention that you need to write?

I want to write. I want people to pay me to write. I want to change lives when I write. I want to entertain when I write. I want people to think about what I write. I want to be entertained when I write. I want to write in my cabin in the mountains and inspire people. I want to get a cabin in the mountains.

OK, seriously, the irony of this whole thing is that I spend my time telling kids that they can do anything. I tell them to dream and to pursue that dream. I tell them that it is going to take work, but keep that dream in front of them. I tell them to expect obstacles and to climb over them. I tell them not to quit.

Maybe I should listen to myself sometime.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have that same urge. We don't know how the small little things in our heads that feel so small and isolated - so pitiful they can't possibly be used for anything - can actually be used for something. I just keep writing down tiny bits thinking that someday when I'm in heaven God will show me how my crumbs I dropped while walking aimlessly were actually in the shape of a 2,456,896-mile, 79-year violin or something. And then I will say, "Oh" and maybe, " could've just told me."