Monday, January 5, 2009

Finding a balance

I have been wrestling with something for quite a while.

I am trying to wrap my head around confidently using the gifts that God has given while walking in humility. It is not that I am so amazing that I cannot stay humble. I am well aware of my shortcomings and the daily events that take place remind me of my need to remain reliant on God. My problem comes on the confidence end of things.

I believe that God has given me certain gifts and that those gifts are to be used. I don't want to think more highly of myself than I ought. Where is the balance?

I look in the Bible and there are men and women that God placed in leadership roles and they excelled in those positions. There are Godly men and women around me that seem completely comfortable in promoting their gifts.

What I want to do is find that balance, every day, between doing what God has laid in front of me to do and knowing that everything that I have comes from Him. I want to be confident to do and say what He would have me do and say.

Humility, to me, is not shrinking from life. Humility is going through life knowing that God holds everything in His hands and, ultimately, He is responsible. To steal a line from Pete Greig in "The Vision", I guess I need to "pray as if it all depends on God and live as if it all depends on me".


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