Friday, January 2, 2009

'08 Haiku

This is my end of year post only two days late. That's pretty good for me. I thought about resolutions but I don't really make them. I thought about a month by month review but you don't want to read that much and I can't remember that much. I thought about making stuff up but that's not really fair (or honest). So I went with everyone's favorite form of poetry. Enjoy!

The year 0-0-8
It went by so very fast.
What really happened?

Three kids were busy.
I can’t remember it all;
I do not rest much.

Brady was a champ.
Mt. Olive soccer tourney.
Pickle jar trophy.

Kendall so loves dance.
She was a polichinelle
In the Nutcracker.

Jett is four years old.
He loves most things in his life-
Not the broken arm.

Rach has a business.
She is mom and she home-schools.
Life is quite hectic.

I work with tough kids.
They need someone to love them;
I’m glad to do it.

Beginning a church,
It is difficult to do.
We are trusting God

That’s a quick review.
What will the New Year bring us?
Only time will tell.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The year 0-0-8
It went by so very fast.
What really happened?"

Okay HaikuMeister, your first line threw me for a loop as I read it: "The year zero-zero-eight." The haiku alarm bells were going off in my head as I knew that something was very very wrong and Basho was rolling over in his grave. I quickly realized that the fault was not yours, the writer (who is always given the artistic benefit of the doubt), but with me as the reader as I should have read it using the common switch of zero for the letter "O" (pronounced "oh"). In summary:

Basho was distraught
Will he ever be at peace?
A haiku has been raped

But zero is O
And O can replace zero
Dumb readers be damned

Bishop Whipple laughs
While Basho makes a prairie
With a cookie sheet.