Friday, November 14, 2008


One of my reasons for starting this blog was for me to have an outlet to write. Not so very deep down inside of me, there is a writer trying to claw his way to the surface and take over my life. Now, with a wife, three kids, a new church, a demanding job and more, the writer will have a helluva time taking over when he escapes.

In the spirit of trying to help that writer struggling to see the light of day, I will occasionally post a short writing exercise. I have come across multiple sources on "how to be creative" so I should be a genius in that area now. Alas, I am not. I will give it my best shot though and maybe someday the writer will manifest and take over. When that happens, I will send you an update from my secluded cabin located in the Smoky Mountains of western North Carolina. After a couple of bestsellers of course. Or maybe winning the lottery. We'll see.


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