Monday, May 26, 2008

Good Day

Memorial Day 2008, come and gone. We started out with an early trip to Wrightsville Beach this morning. We wanted to get there before nine o'clock in order to beat the crowds. We beat them. Barely. I had to stand in line for twenty minutes just to pay for parking. When we left to come home, the traffic was backed up for at least two miles to get to the beach.

We met the Bouls there and spent a relaxing three hours digging holes in the sand, playing in the water and soaking up the sun. What a great way to start a holiday. We then had about 18 people to our house later in the afternoon for a barbecue. Did I mention that ten of those eighteen people are under the age of 10? Good times.

I'm grateful for the people around me, both old friends and new. I don't know what I would do or where I would be without them.


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