Thursday, May 15, 2008

First Post

The first post should probably set the tone for everything else that will come along in this space, shouldn't it? It should be brilliant and deep. It should contain some kind of revelatory information. It should be about something that will make the reader lie awake at night and ponder the meaning of life, the universe and everything (to steal a line from Douglas Adams).

My first post, however, will be nothing of the sort. It will be neither brilliant nor deep. There will be no revelation proclaimed here. And nothing here will make you ponder anything in the slightest.

I will let you know a bit of what may come as we go along.

I really am starting this mostly for my own outlet to write. The plan is to post a little something every day. It may just be something that my kids said that day. Things like Jett telling Bug that the fluid that was drained from my ankle looked like Mountain Dew Jelly. It may be things that I have been wrestling with in this crazy life of trying to follow Jesus. I might write about sports, ranging from amateurs playing for fun to the pros who make way too much money. You might get my thoughts on this culture that we live in. I have been on a kick lately that has to do with creativity and how do we unleash that in people. Maybe I will unleash some of my own creativity here.

I need to stop. I may actually write something meaningful in this first post and I don't want to do that. Anyway, the topics will be many and the thoughts very random at times. I do hope that somewhere along the line, I can write some things that will make people think and perhaps write something helpful to someone out there.

Check back often to find out what this space may become.


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