Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Exercising my Option

At times, writers just write. There is no purpose, no end result they are trying to achieve. The writing is the purpose. The process really is the end result. Whatever words end up woven together are just that...words woven together or, as Donald Miller puts it, just a pile of words.

It seems to be the equivalent of "just showing up". You sit at the computer, you allow your mind to start working, you press the keys in a certain order and you generate your pile of words. It may not be coherent or really worth much, but you, as a writer, have done your duty. You have written.

It doesn't feel very productive. It seems to be a waste of time on the part of both the writer and the reader. But it needs to be done. It's like exercise and eating right. It is a choice. You can choose to exercise or choose to sit on the couch and down a third of a package of Oreos while you watch "The Biggest Loser" on TV. Writing is the same. You can choose to sit down and write something, anything or choose to polish off the last two-thirds of the Oreos while you watch "Modern Family" on TV.

This post has been my "pile of words". I have exercised tonight. It is discipline. It is not always spectacular and deep but there is something to be said about showing up. Right?


Anonymous said...

Just thought it an interesting comment, given what you had written here. I think you're on to something my friend! Peace!

Brad Lademann said...

I thought about putting in the link but then just decided to give him credit.

His blog has been helpful to me lately.

Thanks for commenting so I know someone is out there.