Friday, January 7, 2011


The real money is in the doing. Not in terms of actual cash, though that can be true, but the action of life is where things get done.

I have great ideas. They aren't all great, mind you, some are only average and many others should never be spoken aloud. But some of them are great. The catch for me comes in putting them into action. I am too...busy, distracted, disorganized, afraid, worried, lazy and any number of other negative sounding adjectives to actually make progress on an idea. I will think and talk and wonder and dissect and ponder a thought to the point that the idea, which was great to begin with, now becomes a useless lump taking up space in my brain.

I came across a book the other day and I would like to read it, if only because I like the title. The book is called "Passion is Not Enough" by Greg Darley. I believe the author is referring to ideas that people have but they don't know how to put those ideas into practice. I think that "passion is not enough" can apply to all of life.

I hear people say all the time that "This is my passion". It is usually in reference to a job or to sports or to their family. Sometimes it is regarding changing the world one way or another. That is all well and good, but it takes work to do something with your passion. Things don't just happen because you are passionate about them. Professional athletes may have a passion for the game but if they aren't practicing, working out, eating right, etc., that passion is worthless. They quickly become a spectator who is passionate about the game. Same is true in marriage. You may be madly in love with your spouse, but if you never take action to give yourself fully for their benefit, you could find yourself on the outside of what used to be your life.

It is easy to be passionate about an idea or a concept. It doesn't cost anything. Talk is cheap. The real money is in the doing.


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